A new look for Équipe BL

 A new image with a touch of prestige for BL

Équipe BL Real Estate is getting a makeover… As it approaches its 10th year of existence, BL has established itself as one of the major players in real estate in the Centre-du-Québec region and beyond. Over the years, the group has built a strong reputation for the rigor and innovation of its services.

In keeping with this tradition, the group is making a 180-degree turn and adopting a new color for its brand image: gold will now replace red. Gold is a color that exudes nobility and aligns perfectly with the level of commitment that the team aims to offer to all its clients.

Furthermore, the new sign is much more understated and professional. Now mounted on a high-end black “L”-shaped post, it signifies the importance and precision that the agency places on the most significant transaction in one’s life. This new black background sign is also adorned with reflective elements to ensure visibility in the dark.

With this refined new image, Équipe BL aims to make its selling clients proud of the agency they choose to engage with.

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